Aissata Diallo
Research Associate
Aissata Diallo is a PhD candidate and research associate in “The Political Economy of Financial Policy Space” group at Bard College Berlin. She combines her Politics and Economics background from Potsdam and l’Institut d’Études Politiques in Paris with practical experience from the Central Bank of the Republic of Guinea. Specializing in Heterodox Economics, Applied Development Economics, and Economic Policy Analysis through her advanced studies in Rome, Johannesburg, and Paris, Diallo’s research navigates the complexities of finance and development. Her focus lies on the political and monetary sovereignty challenges within West African financial sectors. Diallo’s approach transcends traditional economics, integrating societal norms, culture, and history to propose balanced, just, and culturally cognizant development strategies for the region
Contact Us
Dr. habil. Kai Koddenbrock
Universität Bayreuth
Hugo-Rüdel-Straße 10
Room 310
D – 95545 Bayreuth
Phone: +49 921-550-5441