Isaac Abotebuno Akolgo

Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Dakar

Ndongo Samba Sylla

Ndongo Samba Sylla is a Senegalese development economist. He has previously worked as a technical advisor at the Presidency of the Republic of Senegal and  is currently a research and programme manager at the West Africa office of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (Dakar). His publications cover topics such as Fair trade, labour markets in developing countries, social movements, democratic theory, economic and monetary sovereignty. He authored The Fair Trade Scandal. Marketing Poverty to Benefit the Rich (Pluto Press & Ohio University Press, 2014). He coauthored Africa’s Last Colonial Currency. The CFA Franc Story, (Pluto Press, 2021). He coedited Economic and Monetary Sovereignty for 21st century Africa (Pluto Press, 2021). Dr. Sylla is co-founder of CORA (Collective for the Renewal of Africa). His works have been regularly cited in the international press.

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Dr. habil. Kai Koddenbrock

Universität Bayreuth

Hugo-Rüdel-Straße 10

Room 310

D – 95545 Bayreuth

Phone: +49 921-550-5441


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